My dog is afraid of fireworks

Fireworks anxiety is common in dogs. To remove the fear from your dog, you can try to combine the sound of the fireworks with something fun. When you hear the sound of fireworks, for example, you can play with the dog. This helps to reduce the dog's scare response. Nowadays, you can also buy drugs that have a soothing effect on your dog. Because of these drugs, the fear itself does not go away, but rather it works numbingly. You can remove the anxiety by training at a dog school or behavioral therapist.


Dogs are born with a fear of sounds. So it's not surprising that dogs are so afraid of fireworks. A dog can also be afraid of fireworks due to a traumatic experience. For example, if fireworks have ever been thrown at your dog, this can lead to extreme anxiety. You, too, can subconsciously amplify the fear. When you start comforting your dog when he cries or barks through the fireworks, you reward his fearful behavior, as it were. All in all, it is important to prevent rather than cure the fear!


Fireworks scare can make your dog nonsensal again. Your dog can also bark and cry. For example, some dogs prefer to hide themselves under the sofa. Furthermore, you run the risk of your dog running away from the scare when the door is open.

Reducing fireworks anxiety

When you have found that your dog has fireworks anxiety, it is important to let your dog get used to the sounds evenly. Two months in advance you can play a CD with firework sound. A month before new year you can then start with soothing medications, so that your dog can get used to the product. In addition, soothing vapers feel like it from two weeks before new year. These give animal own substances of.

Chipping and fireworks training

Make sure your dog is microchipped. If your dog ran away, it's a lot easier to find. Every vet has a chip reader with which they can help you find your dog.   

There are dog schools where your dog can take a fireworks training. This is definitely recommended when your dog is extremely afraid of the fireworks. It also helps to close the curtains at home and turn on some music, then your dog hears the bangs that are outside less well. There are also CDs for sale that can get your dog used to the sound of fireworks.