How much sleep does a dog need?


A good night's sleep is important for proper functioning during the day. This is just as true for dogs. Yet our dogs' sleep patterns differ quite a bit from ours; in fact, it is normal for dogs to sleep more than humans do. While we may sometimes be secretly a little jealous of our four-legged friends' many beauty sleeps, it is important to understand why dogs need so much sleep and to be able to recognize what excessive sleeping looks like in dogs. In this blog, we take a closer look at how much sleep a dog actually needs.

The importance of sleep for a dog

Dogs are long sleepers. This means that they need a lot of sleep and therefore sleep during the day. In their sleep, they process all the stimuli they receive during the day. You have probably experienced it when your dog is busy dreaming during his sleep and may bark, squeak or start running with his paws in the process. This is due to REM sleep; a phase in the sleep cycle that also exists in humans in which stimuli are processed and thus the dog literally dreams about things he experienced during the day.

The amount of sleep affects the dog's behavior. Indeed, when a dog does not sleep enough it can affect the physical health of the animal, but also the dog can become overexcited and that in turn can lead to, for example, excessive barking or even depression. A dog that sleeps enough is generally less likely to experience stress.

How much does a dog sleep per day?

You may wonder if other dog owners' dogs in your neighborhood also sleep that much in a day. Sad but unfortunately; you can't compare your dog's habits one-to-one with another dog's. In fact, just like us humans, dogs can need more or less sleep. How much sleep a dog needs depends on many factors: age, breed, health, activity level and environmental factors.

You don't have to worry if your dog sleeps half the day. In fact, adult dogs generally sleep between 12 and 14 hours a day. Senior dogs need a little more sleep, so they sleep an average of 16 to 18 hours. Puppies need the most sleep to be well rested. They sleep about 18 to 20 hours a day.

Is your dog suddenly sleeping more than usual? Then first check to see if there have been any recent changes in the dog's life. After all, small changes can already cause major changes in your dog's sleeping pattern. Examples might include a new housemate or increased playtime (due to doggy daycare or longer walks, for example), but even warm weather can cause the dog to sleep more than normal. Excessive sleeping can be signs of depression, boredom or a physical problem. Are you unsure about your dog's amount of sleep? If so, contact your veterinarian.


Other causes of (excessive) sleeping in dogs

Although every dog is unique and some dogs sleep more than others, the breed certainly does affect the amount of sleep a dog needs. In general, dogs of larger breeds sleep more than smaller dogs. There is also a natural difference in the activity level of certain dog breeds.

If your dog occasionally sleeps a little more than normal, it's probably not something to worry about, but if the dog sleeps excessively and this is accompanied by a change in eating patterns, unusual thirst and/or excessive urination, it's wise to call in the veterinarian. In fact, this combination may indicate canine diabetes or kidney disease.

In addition, nutrition also plays an important role in a dog's behavior. This is because from food, dogs get their energy. If a dog is not getting the right nutrition, the dog may not be getting enough nutrients and therefore may not be able to get enough energy from it.

Riverwood dog foods contain nutrients from high-quality ingredients tailored to your dog's nutritional needs. Wondering which variety is best for your dog? Fill out the questionnaire to order a sample pack or contact us. We will gladly help you!

Sleep well!

There is no one right answer to the question of whether your dog sleeps too much or too little. Therefore, the best way to find out if your dog is sleeping too much or too little is to keep an eye on him. Take a look at what the dog does in a day and how he behaves. If you are in doubt about your dog's sleeping pattern, you can discuss this information with a veterinarian. Of course, a veterinarian can also examine the dog for any health problems that might be related to the sleeping pattern.

Generally speaking, dogs sleep as much as they need to. And fortunately for our four-legged friends, that's a lot. Sleep well!

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